Seven5 Neutral Density Hard Grad Set

Seven5 Micro System - Seven5 Neutral Density Hard Grad Set

The RF75 Neutral Density Hard Grad Set features three ND hard grad filters of 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9 strengths equating to a reductiopn of one, two and three stops respectively.

The beauty of the ND Grad is that it allows the photographer to reduce exposure in one part of the scene, while leaving the rest unaffected. Neutral density grads are most commonly used when the sky is brighter than the foreground. By placing an ND across the bright area, detail is retained and a more balanced composition is the result.

Lee Filters ND grads are truly neutral, with no nasty colour casts on the end result.

LEE 75 SET NDHSeven5 Neutral Density Hard Grad Set